Thüsen Tak, Thüsen Tak
Danke für die neuen Freundschaften. Danke für die alten Wiedersehen. Danke für die Streicheleinheiten. Danke für die Schachpartien. Danke für die lange Nächte. Danke für das billige Bier.…
Danke für die neuen Freundschaften. Danke für die alten Wiedersehen. Danke für die Streicheleinheiten. Danke für die Schachpartien. Danke für die lange Nächte. Danke für das billige Bier.…
I have played around a lot with domains so far. But now, for the first time, I tried to transfer a .at domain from somebody else to me. At first, everything worked like you would expect for a domain transfer to work; open transfer request, enter auth code, wait a…
Nachdem da letzte A1 Besuch schon gute 4 Jahre her isch, mei letzter Jammerbeitrag über party culture scho zu lang aus is und aus meim Freundeskreis öfters der Wunsch gekommen isch, wieder amal in an Club zu gehen, han I gedacht, wenn scho A1, dann scho die volle Dröhnung. Und…
During my years at university, I was an avid advocate of the bib-pub method. Thanks to the thoughtful layout of my university, the library (ger. Bibliothek) was directly above the universities pub. Additionally, the library closed at 18:00 while the pub opened, you guessed it, at 18:00. Thus,…
Strolling through the night, the later the hour the lesser the light there be.…
I'm in a game.…
A lucky coincidence happened to me today. As my old shoes were already on the edge of becoming reverse flip-flops I bought a new pair of runners today. Well by chance on the very same day my engine explodes on the Autobahn. So I’ll probably need my shoes a…
RSS now works with my blog! Now you can keep updated on how I write no blog posts! P.S: Actually it was enabled the whole time. But I’ve highlighted it now in the menu bar so it’s easier to access.…